Author: Jung Lee

One Church Perth team from Australia.

One Church Perth team from Australia.

They have come and blessed us once again.  Thank you Pastor Paul and his team.

전통 춤의 의미

전통 춤의 의미

예절을 알고 리더십이 있는 사람이라는 것을 알리기 위해서는 전통춤을 잘 춰야 한답니다.  여기서는 흑인들이 모여서 춤추는것만 봐도 백인들은 그들이 대모한다고 생각한다는 말이 있을 정도로 춤을 많이 춥니다.  아마도 군중들 앞에서 대모를 하며 춤추는 사람들은 군중에게 인정받아 리더가 하고 싶은 모양입니다.

그들이 예수께 의지할수 있도록 – 트렌스카이 캠패인

그들이 예수께 의지할수 있도록 – 트렌스카이 캠패인

코사문화이 주방 예절

코사문화이 주방 예절

자기가 요리하는 음식이 아니면, 주방에서 끓고 있는 남비나 후라이펜을 들여다 보는것은 예절에 어긋난답니다. 뭐가 있나하고 들여다보는 저에게 음식하는 사람에게 따귀를 날리는 것과 같다는 비교를하며 막습니다. 철썩!



I have a wonderful news to share.  Mr. Zukisani Nzala (OLIA’s Treasurer) will be traveling to Eastern Cape for a lobolo negotiation.  Lobolo negotiation is one of the most important events in Xhosa culture.  It meant to bridge the two families together by men from […]

나쁜짓을 하는 젊은이들을 이해합니다.

나쁜짓을 하는 젊은이들을 이해합니다.


Mthandazo’s day starts around 10 am.  He heads down to Nkanini, Khayelitsha, and starts knocking on the shack doors.  Surely the spring is here, but the violently unpredictable weather proves to him again that the only power he possesses is the message that was given to us.  Over and over again he hears that the biggest problem is rape from the community members, which he already knows.  What strikes him is how the community has been dealing with perpetrators.  Over the years, they have resulted to two seemingly satisfying methods, burning or cutting off.  There is no evidence that those proven to be ineffective methods should be considered otherwise there, but some people were placing strong trust in those ways.  Mthandazo has been winning over many people, yet some can’t imagine that there is a better way.

At the end of the day, Mthandazo strolled down to the edge of the town.  There was an older man at one of the mini-braai shops.  He introduced himself as Nqwathi (his clan name).  He was frying cow guts which is an unusual job for a man and can be considered demeaning for many.  Mthandazo decided to share the campaign message and add him to his list of Reached-Outs.  With the end of the day enthusiasm, Mthandazo went on. In the middle of the mini-speech, he stopped Mthandazo and started saying, “You know, I don’t hate them and especially I don’t blame them, the rapists or even other robbers.”  Mthandazo asked, “What do you mean?”  He went on to share the following.

“I know what you are talking about.  I was born in Transkei and raised by my father and he was raised by his father.  As I look back, we have taught our young ones to be that way.  For them, they have no choice, but to be that way.  Think about it, in Nkanini when we catch a rapist, we burn them to death or cut their penis off.  That is the message we are giving to our young ones.  They will grow up with such violence and they will do the same thing, and their children will do the same thing.”

We seek to empower those who are righteous and humble as Jesus have said theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.

“I’m gonna make you sweat until…”

“I’m gonna make you sweat until…”

We finally found the trio for the upcoming event in…

한가지 더…

한가지 더…

가족이란 것은 보통 경험에 의하여 정의 되어질때가 많기에 따로 앉아서 생각해보거나 하는일이 많지는 않습니다. 생각을 해봐야 할때도 보통 가족을 잃거나 아이가 태어나거나 할때가 많지요. 저희도 가족이 무엇인가 정립을 해야 될때가 왔습니다. 누가 돌아가시거나 하영선교사가 임신을 한것은 아니고요, 부모를 잃은 한아이를 가족으로 받아줄수 있는 축복을 허락하셨습니다. […]

올리아 소풍

올리아 소풍

간스바이의 청소년 리더십 세미나가 10월로 연기가 되었습니다.  그틈을 타 아침일찍 뮤잔버그 쪽으로 나들이를 갔었습니다.