Category: Things to read

‘Ah’ for Apple has worked!

This year, missionary Jaemin invited to guide the teachers from 25 Khayelithsa preschools with Montessori skills.  We decided on phonics for the year’s training.  Helen led monthly seminars and Ms. Wendy and Pinky visited the preschools every Tuesday.  It was a great blessing for Ms. […]

Heavenly barter!

What do you do to make sure that your teenage girl has lunch at school everyday, if you don’t live with her (can’t pack lunch for her) and giving her money is not a viable option?  This is what you need to do.  Step 1. […]

Techo Mamas – Khayelitsha Edition

Because mamas are so good…

Post ID: 1219

When Ms. Wendy came to school this morning, she was barefooted and crying. She was mugged by two guys. She didn’t have anything on her, so they beat her and took her shoes. After school, one of the parents heard about it and she took […]

Making a fool as a parent for nothing

I found myself glancing at the clock every 30 seconds when it turned 8pm.  It had been about 3 and a half hours since we dropped off Papama at the first birthday party of one of her classmates and my calls were going straight into […]

Post ID: 1227

We just dropped of Papama at the first birthday party of her school friends. I had to contain myself from walking in and taking tons of pictures of Papama and her friends. As a guardian, dropping her off was enough (for today at least). Sigh~

Post ID: 1229

Introducing Dr. Yamwana for all your township problem. Are these what township people want? Anyways, I’m holding out for ‘Money back guarantee’.

Post ID: 1231

The street committee leaders invited us for a meeting regarding our Zola Montessori Preschool ministry. In the picture, Ms Wendy is introducing out ministry. Now we have full support from the community.

Happy 14th birthday Papama!

It was Papama’s 14th birthday.  She is attending Mondeor Eco School (Private school in our area) on a scholarship from my home church in Canada.  During the first two terms, she often came and said, “I hate lunch time, because I don’t have anything to eat.” and “I […]

Post ID: 1235

“What a beautiful day!” – Helen