‘난 예수님께 소중한 존재’ 운동

Chris Hani Station Cape Town Station

We hop on the train at Chris Hani Station in Khayelitsha and headed towards Cape Town to catch Righteous Men and it was a great success. Due to a long train ride, it was easy to start engaging conversations with passengers. We went car to […]

BTCP National Conference & World Vision Lesotho

It was a week long trip to Bloemfontein and Maceru, Lesotho. Mthandazo and I (Jung) were invited to African Leadership’s BTCP National Conference to present I’m Precious to Jesus Campaign. We had good two days to fully prepare for the presentation which was scheduled on […]

소중한 삶의 시작

소중한 삶의 시작

이 아이는 4월 16일에 태어났습니다. 그날 저는 이 아이의 만삭인 어머니가 휠체어를 타고 응급실로 들어가는 것을 멍한 눈으로 바라만 보고 있었습니다. 같은 날 새볔 4시 반경 전화가 울리기 시작했습니다. 다급한 목소리가 들리고, 20분 이상 떨어져 사는 저에게 산모가 뇌전증 발작이 오고있는 상황에서 멍하니 기다리라고 할수 […]

인디사비세킬레… 소중한 노래

인디사비세킬레… 소중한 노래

하영이와 제가 I’m Precious to Jesus Campaign 노래를 완성하였습니다. 노래작곡에 참여해주신 코사 친구들께 감사드리고, 이노래가 저희들이 지금은 미치지 못하는 아이들의 마음에 전달되을수 있기를 기도합니다. 그 아이들이 예수님께 소중한 존제라는것을 알기를 원하며 어떤 일을 당하고 있더라도 소중한 존제라는 것을 믿을수 있기를 기도합니다. 함께 노래해주세요. “예수님이 함께하시고 […]

I’m Precious to Jesus Campaign @ Mfuleni High School

With help of Empilweni and PSH, we were able to present our program to Mfuleni High school pupils.  It was the first fruit of our Publicist Jabulile’s work.

Many have lost hope, but we can write a new song for our future

Pastor Obey contacted us after Makhaza children’s march (March of the Young Ones) we had with Burnett Fellowship Mission team from Vancouver. He said that one of the congregation members brought her daughter to him and shared about the campaign. The mother and daughter told […]

Trip to Lesotho for I’m Precious to Jesus Campaign

I had nose bleed every morning.  It was the gushing kind.  Abohna looked into the toilet bowl and said “Wow! Too much blood daddy.”  Helen got violently ill in the middle of the night.  Abohna suddenly refused to go to school.  He ended up missing […]

Ulilungisa (Righteous) Assembly no.1

There were already 5 men waiting for the others to arrive.  Everyone was just keeping it to themselves except occasional greetings.  When only men were invited to discuss a sensitive topic such as rape, the atmosphere is going to be awkward.  When Sakhile walked out […]